Ways to Clean Badminton Shoes

Ways to Clean Badminton Shoes: Take Care of Badminton Shoes

You must keep your Badminton shoes clean after they have been worn and exposed to dirt. Cleaning your shoes frequently can not only make them seem good but will also show off your personality.

It has come to our attention that some players use running shoes while playing badminton, which is improper because running shoes don’t provide the extra support needed to move around a badminton court. For indoor sports like badminton or basketball, non-marking shoes are typically worn. The outer layer of these shoes is softer than that of other shoes, which is why they are used. The rubber on these shoes is so smooth that it doesn’t scratch the floor and gives you just the right amount of resistance for a secure grip.

Take care of your badminton shoes properly:

  • Just during the match, wear your non-marking badminton shoes. This serves as evidence for cost-effectiveness, but it’s also a reminder that shoes have purposes and restrictions. If you exclusively wear your shoes for playing games, they will perform as you like.
  • Special shoes for jogging or other workouts should be purchased. Although they might serve the same purpose, keep in mind that badminton shoes are not appropriate for jogging.
  • When selecting a size, leave a thumb’s width space; this will promote both comfort and effective motion. Keep in mind that during the match, you as the player will also be wearing a pair of socks, so it will also allow your feet to breathe. Additionally, because of tight shoes, you may start experiencing pain and irritation also during the match.
  • Check to see that the cushion on your shoes hasn’t worn off. This fundamental comfort guideline will lessen discomfort throughout the game. As you are aware, one of the fundamental badminton actions is jumping. So if you have any pain in your heels or ankles, it means that the cushion in your shoes is worn out and has to be replaced right away.
Ways To Clean Badminton Shoes

Ways to maintain your badminton shoes

Clean wipes and a magic rubber:

Some of you may think it’s a waste of money, but buying these things is just as important as buying good badminton shoes. Both clean wipes and magic erasers produce highly effective results, and they are widely available on numerous websites. It does a great job of removing stains, blemishes, and flaws from your shoes. In addition, you could use a washcloth. Just be cautious not to use water with it. It needs to be applied to the spots after being dipped in vinegar. It also produces incredible results.

Use colored nail polish:

You might not find it to be profound, but it is effective. If you have white shoes, it even removes noticeable scuffs and scratches quite nicely. Only the white nail polish needs to be applied. Similarly, whatever shade your shoes are off, you need to apply the matching hue nail polish. To remove the smear you could see on the shoe, all it will take is a light touch.

Cleaning up soiled lace:

If you don’t regularly clean your laces, your shoes will look quite worn out and unappealing. We are aware that cleaning your laces can be a very tedious and taxing task, but there is a quick and effective way to do it. Just boil some water first. Do not switch off the gas until bubbles appear and it begins to boil. After that, leave the water alone for 2 minutes to somewhat evaporate. Then submerge your laces, and after 5 to 6 minutes, remove them. Your laces will appear brand new, and you’ll notice a significant difference.

Using a toothbrush:

 A lot of individuals clean their shoes with a piece of cloth or other cleaning supplies, such old socks. Since a piece of cloth can’t reach all areas of your shoes, using this kind of things doesn’t clean the shoes very thoroughly. It will undoubtedly leave behind some dirty spots. So the easiest way to clean those regions is with a toothbrush. No matter where the stains are, a toothbrush will be able to clean them because it can fit in any conceivable location. A toothbrush should be dipped in warm, soapy water and gently rubbed on the stains or grime. All kinds of spots will vanish, so you can tell the difference.

Applying shampoo:

It is the most effective method for removing oil stains from shoes. You don’t need to panic if you or anyone else drops some oily items accidentally because you already have a fix. You only need to use your fingers to apply some shampoo to the oil stains, blotches, or grime. Even your toothbrush can be used to scour the shampoo for the finest results. Your shoes will get a cute new style as a result.

To keep them smelling fresh, keep tea bags inside:

New badminton shoes often have a wonderful perfume to them. Shoes can smell bad from sweat and other scents. Place a few tea bags in your shoes overnight and in between training sessions to eliminate the odor problem.

When not in use, stuff your shoes again:

The beautiful shape of your badminton shoes might be ruined by toe folds, dents, and wrinkles. When not in use or after each wear, make sure to re-stuff your shoes before storing them in a dry, cold location. If you keep the stuffing that came with your shoes, this will be much better. If you don’t have them, you can use wrinkled tissue paper, old newspapers, or magazines.

To regain traction, use a sticky mat:

Consider utilizing sticky mats if the traction on your shoe soles is really declining. These are designed to clean the dirt from the soles and improve traction. This frequently entails keeping your mat close to the court so you may step on it if you feel like you’re losing ground.

How to air dry your badminton shoes:

Drying your Badminton Shoes in the Air

No matter the type of shoe, you should never ever dry them in a dryer. The best approach to dry your badminton shoes is to let them air dry for about a full day (24 hours). That’s not to mean that you should dry your shoes outside in the sun; doing so will make them wrinkled or discolored.

How to keep your shoes fresh:

If you keep your shoes in a damp location after using them, they’ll eventually develop a distinct odor or even mildew. What you do with your badminton shoes at home is the greatest method to ensure that they are clean and smell good inside. After practice, the gym, or a game, make sure to sprinkle some baking soda inside on the insoles of your shoes before heading home.

As you may already be aware, natural solutions like baking soda work well to get rid of unpleasant odors and aromas. When it’s time to put the shoes on, shake and flip them upside down to remove any remaining baking soda if there is any that is still visible.

Additionally, you should let your badminton shoes air out after each use to lessen the possibility of them smelling musty or developing an aroma.

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