about Us
BadmintonEra was founded by Daniyal Smith & his team, a badminton enthusiast whose objective is to raise awareness & popularity of badminton worldwide!
Our aim’s to help you improve your badminton skills, knowledge, and overall game! Whether you are a player, coach, or just a badminton enthusiast, I will help you gain added insight into the world of badminton.
I was 12 years old when I started playing badminton and joined the academy for my sessions. In the start, I used to find it quite tough, but when I cleared all my basics and practiced under the guidance of my coach, I found it more interesting
In my badminton journey, I faced many ups and downs, where sometimes I felt de-motivated and exhausted. Still, I never gave up, and today I’m a professional badminton player.
Many kids out there are not lucky enough to join a good academy or hire a personal coach, that’s the reason I started BadmintonEra, where anyone can learn basic to advanced badminton skills for free.
Our mission is to change the perception of badminton, to give it the credibility it deserves as the fastest racket sport in the world. Our mission is to serve fellow badminton enthusiasts bites of badminton information across all facets of the sport. Ranging from basic rules and regulations of badminton to reviews of equipment, plating strategies, gameplay statistics,, and current events, BadmintonEra offers something for everyone.

Daniyal Smith
Founder of BadmintonEra